Wednesday, May 21, 2014

30 Facts Or Something

Random photo, just because.

This was a tagging game on Facebook back in the day.  You were tagged and had to write 30 facts or whatever about yourself. Then tag other people. Wooo, fun right? I posted mine November 16, 2010.  I won't put the link to the original here but IF you are friends with me on Facebook I'm sure you can easily find it in my notes.  I'm really tired and did not feel well today, but wanted to post something. I saw this on Facebook and laughed at myself.  So why not share it here with a bit of an update. 

1. I'm addicted to caffeine 

2. I love toys from vending machines

3. I have 3 younger sisters- Cristy, Jessica, and Melanie

4. I've been told the first impression I give is a stuck up bitch  

5. I've also been told that once someone gets to know me, I too damn nice  

6. I would live in an off the grid compound and disappear from the world if I could. 

7. I love black & white nude photography

8. I love porn

9. I'm a geek ... yup

10. I don't do drugs, but am 420 friendly and drink when I'm with friends.  I don't consider marijuana a drug.

11. I have 3 kids ages 19, 16, and 14. 

12. I love everything Harry Potter

13. I'm loud and obnoxious. Get used to it

14. I want to move but, I'm scared. Also I love it here, and keep finding reasons not to leave.  

15. I'm overly emotional. I cry about everything :(

16. I'm horrible when it comes to math

17. I want to go to a nudist camp for a day or weekend.

18. I'm afraid of clowns and heavily crowded places

19. I have Anxiety and Borderline Personality Disorder. It sucks

20. I am a cutter- No not one of those fake ass emo attention whores. I haven't done it in a while and no longer have the urge to do so. Only time will tell if I've beat it. --- Since the original post I have cut once. I guess I didn't win the battle. 

21. I have NEVER smoked cigarettes and once considered it a deal breaker for relationships.  I like the smell of it on some people though.  Weird, right?  

22. I used to be afraid of the dark. --- Not anymore :D

23. I have 3 nieces and 1 nephew I have never met. 

24. I hate sleeping alone.  --- I don't mind it now, though I prefer to snuggle up to someone 

25. I hate driving.. it gives me anxiety attacks..

26. I dislike weddings and baby showers.  

27. I think men in uniform, work attire, and cowboy attire are damn sexy. 
Sagging jeans in not cute STOP IT!

28.  Though I don't drive, I'm definitely a CHEVY girl. 

29. I prefer husky men over skinny or fit guys.  

30. I'm a procrastinator 

Most did not change or changed a little bit. Geez, I can't believe I once said I had an asian fetish. What a dork I am. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lesson Learned, I Hope

Last week I decided that I would detox for a few days because I was feeling sluggish and "off".  Well I started yesterday with my usual senna tea and cabbage soup.  Also yesterday I went over board on the tea and now today I feel sick.  The box says two cups the first day and one for the next few days or more. Well I went all out and put two tea bags in my carafe and drank it all by noon. So of course I make another carafe with two bags and finish it before bed. Well let me tell you that the tea was seriously working by 5:00.  I was in the bathroom every 15 minutes and I kept drinking the tea.  This morning I only made on carafe with two tea bags and that's it.  My GI Tract feels empty and dry.  I don't think that is a good sign.  I am still taking trips to the toilet every 30 minutes or so.  I think I learned my lesson. I feel like crap (pun intended).  I did have tacos for dinner tonight, we'll see how my body likes that.  I think a nice bubble bath and an early bed time is in order tonight.

I usually do this detox about once a month except I don't drink two carafes of strong tea in one day.  I clearly wasn't thinking when I started yesterday. All I was thinking about was I have my daughters high school graduation coming up, a wedding where I have to be ladylike and fancy, and well it's summer.  I promised myself I would have healthier eating habits and lifestyle by summer.  I feel like I failed, though I am eating better and trying to learn new ways to better myself inside and out.  I think I am doing better but feel like crap because I am not where I thought I would be at this time.  Set backs suck and I started procrastinating, then I get hurt. Excuses, excuses is what I am saying to myself right now.  I AM a procrastinator and I can get lazy.  I've said it before, sometimes I need someone to crack the whip and say "get your ass in gear" before I really get going.  It's funny how I am willing to bust ass for others, but when it comes to doing things for myself, I have no motivation and I drag ass on it.  LAME! I am fully aware of this problem I have. I am trying to figure out what I need to do to keep myself motivated for myself.  Does that make sense to you?  I guess I'm just stuck in a rut.  No, that's just another excuse.  ggrrrr I need to stop that.

So this is me getting my ass in gear and doing what I said I would do. I'm logging off and taking my ass upstairs to bathe in bubbles, then go to bed.  Maybe some relaxing yoga before bed... oohh and some self love.  uhh self love, wheres a man when you need one?

Good Night!

P.S. One cup of tea Lisa.... ONE CUP!

Spring Mayhem and Fan Girls

Chillin' and watching the show.

Last weekend I went to CSU East Bay for their Spring Mayhem.  My friend Becca invited me to go because T Mills was performing. Now, I am not a huge fan of T Mills, but I do like some of his music.  He seemed really tall, then again I am only 5'2".  It was cute to see him interact with his fans, especially the older ladies.  He was polite and remembered a lot of his regular concert goers. he seemed humble and sweet.  I'm not one to follow musicians from concert to concert. I'm not a groupie, but there were a lot of ladies there who had been following him to all the local events.  I think that's crazy. Why would you want to follow a musician around and take pictures with them at each event?  I enjoy good music and love going to festivals and concerts, I also like to meet and talk to the artists, but I just don't get the whole fan girling with the running, screaming, and fighting over a person of celebrity status.  Everyone stands in line and gets to say hi and take a pic, WHY do you have to be first? WHY do you have to tell everyone how many times you have seen the artist in concert or "met" them as if it makes you better and higher in the fan girl food chain?  WHY do you have to push, shove, hit, and kick to get as close as possible, is this person going to heal you with their special musical powers? I am a huge fan of some musicians and would love to have the opportunity to meet them, but I would never chase them or fight for their attention.  They are just people who happen to have a great talent.  It's nice taking pictures with people you admire, but I would rather be able to have a conversation with them.  Not a "HI remember me, I go to allll your shows, omg I love you, can I have your baby?"  Okay, not ALL fan girls are that bad, but most are.  It's gross. This show wasn't even that bad, just a few crazy fan girls.  The fangirling is part of the reason I don't like being in front at huge concerts.

At Spring Mayhem there were a few local bands (as in, California bands), and that's where I get excited.  I love to support unsigned artists far more than celebrities.  Though T Mills gave a great performance, and I truly enjoyed his show. I enjoyed the unsigned bands much more.  I also prefer the intimate performance settings to huge concert crowds.  The bands were great and the crowd loved them, well except for one.  There was another rapper, can't remember his name, that I felt the T Mills fan girls didn't give him enough respect.  He did well and was busting his ass on stage.  The girls didn't care because he wasn't T Mills.  Much respect to that guy and I hope he gets where he wants to go in life.  The other bands included The Cires (pronounced like Cyrus), The Big Bang, Los Rakas, Lungs and Limbs, Radical Something, DLRN, Eric Billinger, and one or two more that I can't recall the names.  All were fan-freakin-tastic and I would see them all again, if I can.  I have nothing but love and respect for all the performers of Spring Mayhem.  Over all I had a great time.  I love live music and enjoy people watching. So it was a win/win for me. YAY! Let me share some photos with you.

Note: photos not in order.

They're already waiting front and center. 

The Big Bang Band


Students entertaining crowd between performers

T Mills of course

The crowd enjoying T Mills performance

Radical Something rockin' the stage

The Cires (cyrus)

Los Rakas from Oakland CA :)

Lungs and Limbs 

After show sunburn, oopsy

As I am writing this entry, I start to think about any possible celebrities I would fan girl over and love to meet.  While I think about it I realize I am such a geek.  Most people I would gush over are in some way nerdy or super smart. Well I'm not 100 % sure about a few.  So lets list these people I would fan girl over, maybe...  Note: not just musicians in the list

Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit (He's my Rock Star crush)
Scarlet Johansson
Nikola Tesla
Wil Wheaton
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Mark Twain
Jennifer Lawrence  (she loves food)
Robert Downey Jr.

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Little Fun

Something random and fun for you to read.  I had this either on my old Myspace account or in my Facebook notes.  Well anyway, here is a little questionnaire.  Yeah, remember those? Haha Enjoy!

Spell your name without vowels:  LS (aww I have no name now) 

What is the date 2 days after your birthday?: July 3

How many pairs of jeans do you own: 4

What color(s) do you wear most?: Blue & Black

Least favorite color?: Mustard (yes that is a color)

Last song u heard?: Breaking Your Own Heart by Kelly Clarkson

What's for dinner tonite?: Cabbage soup & Senna tea

Are you happy with your life right now?: I'm happy enough

Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity: Yes, Pink.. though I disagree

In what state or country do you want to go to school in?: California, Though it would be cool to go to college over seas

Do you shop at stores like hollister, abercrombie and fitch and aeropostel: HELL NO!

How do you make money?: According to certain people I am a prostituting drug dealer.  How I make money is no ones business, nor is it any of my business how you make yours. 

Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?: Video games for my kids

When do you start Summer Break? UGH My kids get out in 2 1/2 weeks. It's not a break for me. 

Are you missing someone right now?: Always ;)

One word to describe you: Tenacious

Favorite pair of shoes: None

Do you own big sunglasses?: No, well i don't think they are big :/

What would you rather be doing right now?: Masturbating

What should you be doing right now?: Writing a real blog entry on my opinions on intimate relationships

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Something, Something, blah blah blah.

I don't have anything important to say in this entry, but I should post something.  So I'll give you an update.

I am going to see my eldest child graduate from high school soon. I am excited, scared, and most likely going to have a panic attack at least once on the trip.  I think I will meditate about this.

I got a new phone FINALLY!  I am one to use something till it falls apart. Yes, I'm one of THOSE people who is always behind in technology.  I don't care! I had my Droid X for over three years. I loved that phone.  Okay, that's horrible, we shouldn't love our phones.  Oh well...  I purchased the Moto X, yes I know it's not one of the new fan-dangled Samsung S blah blah blah and I don't care.  Yes the S blah blah blahs look cool, but I really wanted to Moto X. Plus, my hands are way too small for the newer phones. After the Moto X I'll have to by the mini phones.  Ever since the Moto X came out, I wanted it.  I'm just cheap and refused to pay $550 for a phone, and I just said, I like to use things till they fall apart.  I went to a few stores and looked online before I found a store that actually carried it.  I wanted the white one but there were no more left. I was sad but excited to get the phone I have been wanting for a while.  I guess you can say I am a very happy girl.  R.I.P. Droid X, I'll miss you, and HELLO Moto X, yes please and thank you.

First Selfie with the new phone
This cat is a biter

Monday, I went to the Golf Course. I'm still injured, so no I did not golf.  I did watch and cheer on my friend while they golfed.  I also used this time to test out my phones camera.  It takes some nice photos. I'm still trying to figure out the Moto X.  Give me another week.

Not bad phone, not bad at all. 

Ooohh pretty, well I think so anyway

Speaking of injury, my ankle is looking better.  I can walk on it better at times and sometimes it kills. YES I KNOW I'M SUPPOSED TO STAY OFF IT!  The swellings is almost gone but it feels as if my ankle is out of socket or there is something stuck between the bone and tendons.  It just feels weird.

In The Absence of Sex

Two years ago I attempted to explore a variety of dating and sexual encounters. It fizzled out quickly.  I was bored or unimpressed with the...