Speaking of the slumber party. Parents are just now R.S.V.P.ing. Really? Now you want to let me know your kid is coming? The sad part is almost all the parents said that they wanted to check out this party and decide if their daughter(s) should spend the night. Okay, I get that you are concerned about the safety of your child and want to make sure I don't live with a pervert. I would want to know too. The question is, why wait till 2 days before to tell me this? Why didn't you call last week and come speak with me in person at my home? Instead you want to embarrass your child and hurt my daughters feelings the day of her party; At the party. I'm totally fine with you checking out my place, or me, or who lives with me but, not during the party. I have a feeling none of those girls will be staying the night. Why didn't the parents just say "My daughter will come to the party, but will not participate in the sleep over". I'm fine with that. Don't say "I don't know because I need to check your place out". I wonder if it will be like this for my sons party? Maybe I should plan his further in advance. By the way my son will be staying at his grandparents for the weekend because there is a NO BOYS ALLOWED rule for the party. It was in place long before the planning started. Okay I'm done for the night. I need to exercise or something, get all this aggression out.. RAWR!
P.S. Just wanted to let everyone know I am registered for Bay to Breakers! WooHoo! I'm very excited and it is one thing I get to check off my bucket list. I'll talk more about this later.
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