Sunday, June 3, 2012

Black Diamond Mines 6.3.12

Happy Sunday! 

Today Samantha and I walked to Black Diamond Mines. While walking one of the trails a hawk kept flying low over us. I'm guessing it had a nest near by. We visited Rose Hill Cemetery and found a baby rattle snake sleeping on one of the grave stones. We found a dead young owl and ground squirrel (RIP). We ran through a swarm of bees too. Then as we were leaving a cow was seriously watching us walk out of the park. We even saw some wild turkeys on the way home. It was about 8 miles from our home to the cemetery and back. I wore the new shoes I bought yesterday to break them in. I forgot that some new shoes make my feet go numb after a while. By the time we got home I had to take a bath and soak my feet and ankles. It was well worth it though. 

aww baby rattle snake. 

How now, brown cow... stop watching us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Glad you made it out to hike. I LOVE Manhattan Trail. I would have freaked out with the snake. Laughing at your adventure and How Now, Brown Cow. LOL!


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