Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lunch Break

Sitting here in my dining room, staring into oblivion, eating a plain ass tuna sandwich.  My day started out pretty darn good, though I did get out of bed an hour and half later than I planned.  Oh well.

I scramble me up some eggs and eat them a little to fast.  shoveling my eggs in my mouth in some hurried frenzy as I log into Facebook and play a game or two, comment on a few posts and check my email.  Sounds like such an exciting morning right?  Pfft I needed to clean house but at the same time I have the need to go for a walk.  I need fresh air... So I do a little cleaning and stop every so often to entertain myself on Facebook.  It seems to be a busy day on my news feed.  I'm glad I am about to head out for my walk now instead of doing it earlier.  Someone irritated me with their disrespectful comments on a friends post and I really need the walk now.  I'll go into more detail once I think the topic through enough to express my personal opinion and not be judgmental towards others.  I respect that we all have our own opinions and ideals of how life should be lived or how to raise children.

So here I am stuffing my face again and allowing someone else to dictate my mood. I don't like that.  I'm not really mad or upset, I guess I'm just boggled by the ignorance that came from the person.  I'm trying to understand their point of view.  It's hard to communicate properly on Social Media sites.  Sometimes we cannot convey our feelings, opinions, and beliefs in a way that someone else could understand.  Misunderstanding happen way too often this way.

Whatever... I'm off for a walk


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