Sunday, February 6, 2011

A New Beginning

Or something like that...

  I am starting my blogging over again. I know I lost so much when I removed my other blog, but it was for the best. I had many happy and painful memories I had to let go. It's time to start a new chapter in my life. In order to do that I need to be honest with myself and get myself out of this depressing rut I am in. I have become tired, over weight (my heaviest), and lazy. I cry more than I laugh, I eat far more than I exercise, and I'm angry all the time. That is not a healthy combination.

Tomorrow, Monday February 7 will be the start of something new. I'm not sure how to go about the changes I need, but i am sure I can figure them out. I know the first thing I need to work on is my health. So that will be my focus this week. Starting out by walking every day and reducing my junk food intake should be the easiest. I don't want to get ahead of myself and then want to quit because I made it too hard right from the start. I walk Samantha to school and home again. So I will do my walk after I drop her off. The junk food part is easy because I can just change what I buy and only eat proper portions. My downfall has always been eating while on the computer. So I have to stop myself from doing that. I think that is a good start.

Lent is coming up (Monday, March 7) and I will give up my usual soda, beef, and pork. This year I will add Social Networking to that list. My only outlet to my friends and the world will be my blogs and emails. I'm not sure if I will give up messenger, though it is a form of Social Networking. I have to think about that one. Lent will help with my changes. I just hope I can keep the soda intake low after Lent. I hate being a soda addict. I know it's part of my weight problem. So I need to be strong and fight the temptation.

That's it for now. Have a good night.


Lisa Perez

1 comment:

  1. I wish all I had to do was kidnap you and bring you with me, but I know from my own experience that sometimes you just need to deal with some things on your own for a little bit. I will always extend an invitation to you, and when you feel up to it, I know you'll accept it. Needless to say, I have been through some dark, hopeless times and I'm always here to lend a shoulder, an ear or provide some laughs.

    Sometimes fixing the health/weight issues is the easiest step towards feeling better emotionally and getting through the hurt.

    (I can't figure out how to erase this damn "w" since I'm blogging from my phone. Sorry! Haha) w


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