Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Rainy Day Blog

Rain rain go away...

 Actually No, I love the rainy weather. I wish we would have a nice thunder storm. I want some thunder & lightning. This cold weather is starting to get to me though. I am stiff & tired. I know there is some medical reason why we get so tired and lazy on rainy, gloomy days. I just don't feel like looking it up & trying to sound smart. I should clean my house, I really should, but it's cold & I'm lazy. It's okay though. I'll do it later when I get a little warmed up. Right now i am on some of my social networking sites, stalking my lovely friends & some stalkers of my own. Facebook is quiet today, so I check my games & move on to Twitter. I follow 280 people? Who are these people? Why am I following them? I think it's time to find out. As I'm looking through I see one of my favorites called ihatequotes, They posted a quote I really like today & maybe it should become my quote for the day (see below). I move on to Myspace & check my mail on Yahoo. The same old stuff, oh well. I guess today is just a plain ol' rainy day.

Samantha playing in the rain (2007)

Make sure whatever you're holding onto, isn't holding you back. Life is all about moving forward. -Reuben Holmes

1 comment:

  1. I want to blog! I want blog! The baby fell asleep and I want to blog with a glass of wine in hand. I love that picture of Sam, by the way. Cold, rainy days make me want to lay under poofy blankets on the couch & stuff my face with homemade cupcakes or cookies & ice cold milk.


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