1. Shaving- It's acceptable for them to grow hair anywhere on their bodies and yet they shave it all the way off. WHY? Just trim damn it. I don't want to rub up on a prickly body that shit hurts.
2. The Sexist Pig- There's men who know how to joke around and say stupid things towards female friends (it can be funny ladies don't take everything to heart) and then there are the men who mean every word that comes out of their mouths. These guys were raised by other pigs or hurt by some c*nt and now their mad at all the other girls. STOP BEING INSECURE.
3 The Mommas Boy- Stop letting your mother meddle in every detail of your life. Your mom doesn't need to do your laundry, cook your food, pick your girlfriend and support you. I know plenty of men who live with their mothers and can still maintain a separate life. So why do you mommas boys need your mother to decide for you? Grow the fuck up!
4. Saggy Baggy Jeans- Guys that shit went out of style years ago. Plus you look stupid. Normally I say do what makes you happy but this wearing underwear-shorts/sweats-pants under your ass is really annoying. Do you realize that by the time you are 45 you will already need hip and knee replacement due to the way you walk now trying to keep your pants in the right spot? Buy pants that fit and a belt.
5. Insecure Men- It is not attractive at all. Please stop it. I don't want to hear "eww I look fat" or "do i look fat in this?" The worst 2 I have heard is: I think my dick is too small or I don't last that long in bed. BITCH PLEASE! There is nothing wrong with you. If I didn't like what you had to offer I wouldn't stick around. Girls say that mean shit to you cause they are EVIL & insecure. Be confident and you find a woman who loves you just the way you are.
1.Insecure Women- Stop allowing society & other insecure people ruin your self esteem. I know it's hard sometimes. I used to be called fat, ugly, and stupid all the time. Now I don't care (and I'm 30 pounds heavier) I like myself enough to not worry about what other think of me.Yes there will be days when you feel like shit and hate yourself, but meditate, vent, eat chocolate, cry and/or watch a movie and let it go. Stop putting yourself down, Stop hating yourself, and Start loving yourself. That doesn't mean become a C*nt (see #5)
2. Self Haters- These are the girls that judge themselves and others. These are the girls who gossip all the time and are two faced. These are the girls who are insecure and jealous about the silliest things. These are the girls we become when we lose ourselves. Don't be this girl.
3. The Follower- This is a girl who agrees to everything her friends say and can become The Roommate if you're not careful. This girl has a hard time making friends and becomes clingy, She's also a clingy girlfriend, so when she gets a man she'll disappear for a bit. Be ready when the boyfriend runs away because she'll need you to guide her. This bitch is creepy
4. The over/under dressed- When I go to the store I either see women running around in nasty old pajamas or dressed as if they are going to the club. You can look nice in a pair of jeans and a tee with some light make-up not a mask. This ain't cosmetology school or the circus please tone down your face. Please wear clothes that cover your ass. I dont need to see your crusty worn out thong. If half your ass is being squeezed and pushed out the top of your jeans then guess what? Your pants don't fit and I have to walk past your nasty ass to buy food. Not cool.
5. The C*nt- I hate this word with a passion. I think it is the most disrespectful thing you can call a woman. Sadly there are a few who deserve this title. Who are they you ask. They are the women above rolled into one. The all knowing, insecure, self hating, jealous, venom spewing, piece of shit. She is the Frienemy, she is the roommate, she is the one who may have more than two faces, she longs for your man, smiles in your face and then sabotages your life. She can be the neighborhood snitch/ whore/ gossip. Take your pick. This beast calls the kettle black, not realizing she is projecting her self hate on to everyone else. No matter what you say or do she will one up you, because she always has to be #1. Not realizing she is transparent and sad to look at. This woman ( I really hate to call her that) has been hurt to the point she has to hurt others to make herself feel better. What a Bully! Get over yourself chick and stop the hate!
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From people of walmart |
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