Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year: Moving Forward in 2013

2013 is the year of the snake. The snake is my Chinese zodiac sign. So it seems this is my year, HELL YES! Dang it, now that I know it's my year I can't remember what I wanted to blog about. GAH!

Oh yes, what I'm looking forward to in the year to come and my resolutions/ goals of 2013.  I guess those are all pretty much the same thing.

1. I am looking forward to learning all I can in school. I enjoy the classes I have taken so far and can't wait to learn more.

-My resolution is to graduate.

2. I am looking forward to volunteering more. I am in the process of looking for somewhere permanent to volunteer. I hope to find something soon.

-My resolution is to cross off at least 2 of my volunteer choices from my bucket list

3. I am looking forward to finding a job I'll enjoy. Hopefully soon after I graduate from school.

-My resolution is to find a job in a city where I would like to live other than Antioch.

4. I am looking forward to spending more time with family. I will visit my parents this year. I will see my sisters, and meet their children for the first time.

5. I am looking forward to emotional, physical, and spiritual self awareness.

-My goal is to attend church more often this year.  I also want to work on doing things alone more often. Disconnecting from the phones and social networking for days at a time. I feel I need less of all the outside noise and more inner peace.

2013 will be a year of self discovery, self awareness, and self acceptance. The year of SELF.

1 comment:

  1. Twins is too true of a word. I was thinking about what I would like for myself in 2013 and most came down to taking care of me. Happy Year of the Snake!


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