Sunday, February 27, 2011

March is Spring Cleaning Month

Picture is from this article on Spring Cleaning. Read it!

  Every March & October is Spring/Fall cleaning. I would always make a list of what exactly i wanted to do & get done. Most of the time I would do a half ass job. This year will not be the case. I have a new list and a new plan to get things done. We'll see how it goes.
 I did a lot of cleaning last fall. Each month I tossed out 20 items. Unfortunately it wasn't enough. I still have a lot of stuff because I have been a serious pack rat. So i will do something similar through out the month of March. Each day I will either reduce, reuse, or recycle 2 items. Sounds easy, but i am sure it will not be anywhere near easy.
 I have broken my cleaning into 2, two week cleaning cycles. I have 8 rooms in my Townhouse. This is not including other parts of my home/property that will be cleaned. I will divide my home by floors. Upstairs (3 bedrooms, full bath, storage closet, linen closet, water & heating closets) will be week one & three. Downstairs (kitchen, dining room, living room, 1/2 bath, 2 closets, patio) will be week two & four.  I will use one day for each room. The linen closet & water/ heating closets i will do the same day The same goes for the closets & bath downstairs. I will probably take more time on the kitchen & living room since that is where we spend most of our time.
Today is the day I sit and plan it all out. I use Google Calendar to organize what days I will clean what rooms and a way to remind myself of some things i would normally over look while cleaning. I will be totally honest- I HATE CLEANING, and I suck at it, but someone has to do it. I am off to a good start and It's not even March.

This is what I end up doing. 

On another note: March will be starting another kind of "cleaning" for me. Ash Wednesday is March 2 & Lent starts March 7. For those of you who are not Catholic & do not know what Lent is click Here. I will go into more detail on the topic later this week.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wishlist Wednesday

Sarah: I can bear it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be take this child of mine far away from me! 
Goblin: That's not it! Where did she get that rubbish? It doesn't even start with "I wish!"

Every time I hear "I wish" I think of the movie Labyrinth. It's Wednesday and I have a wish or two, and here they are. From Urban Outfitters.

I want these cute flowers. They look awesome. You get 25 for $40.00. hmmm though they are made of something much more sturdy than paper. I think I could make some myself.  I still want them though.

Next is a duvet cover also from urban Outfitters. I love the fact that it's reversible and has folk woodwork art on it. I have a book with those patterns in it. I love vintage art and this would look awesome in my room.

I really like what is offered they even have some awesome books I really want like Snuggle Sutra :)

I guess thats it for now. We'll see if Urban Outfitters gets pissed because I used their photos even though I linked the crap. Have a good night.



Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Heavy Weight

As of this morning I weigh 160 even, and yes I was naked when I weighed myself. I wonder where the 5 lbs extra I had last week went. I'm not going on another diet! I will learn how to eat healthier & proper portions. Honestly I should be ashamed of myself. I took a nutrition class and other Bio- Health classes; yet I am over weight/ obese. I read somewhere that the best time to start a new diet/ exercise/ healthy living program is when a woman starts her menstrual cycle. I'm not sure if that is true, but I don't want to wait either. So I will start with Lent which begins March 7. On that morning I will do a full weigh in, measurements and physical fitness test. I took a circuit training class and we did the test and weigh in the beginning of the semester and at the end, so I will do the same here. Maybe I'll even do a little video/ picture comparison thing. MAYBE. I have already made some changes in my eating habits, but because it has been cold (I hate the cold) I have been lazy and just snacking. Bad, bad, Lisa ...I really need to stop drinking soda. I don't have the will power to drink it occasionally, I always over indulge. The good thing is I will have a partner in crime on healthy living.

 My friend Briana is also trying to better her health, so I have offered to be her long distance "Healthy Living" buddy. So you may see some guest blogging from her on here. She has some great ideas for better living and not just when it comes to food. She is an new blogger, but she is worth reading and has great insight on living simpler. Living simple has caught on since the economy took a nose dive. I honestly believe it is a better way of living. Well I'll leave my thoughts on simple living here; it's really a whole blog topic on it's own.

It's 12:13 am.

I can't sleep. I don't know why my sleep schedule is so off . I think it's time to really remove the soda from my life and start forcing myself to go to bed at the same time every night. No more late night gaming or social networking. No one else is on right now anyway.  Plus I think I am getting whatever the kids have and it doesn't help that Samantha is sleeping in my bed tonight.

Lets try to get some sleep



Monday, February 21, 2011

Facebook Note turned Blog part 1

I understand that the Facebook Notes are a type of blog. Myspace has blogs and now so does Friendster. I used to blog on Myspace regularly and plan on going back to it. I did more ranting & raving there than anything and I think it's best to keep it there.

The Note titled "15 Things I No Longer Give A Sh!t About" was one of those tagging games you pass around. As I was writing the Note I thought I could say so much more than 15 things and maybe even elaborate on some. I'm sure everyone can. So here it is, those 15 things.

1.Politics -  I try to pay attention, but most of the time I get lost. I do vote, but I don't understand some of the things I'm supposed to be voting on. I may actually be making things worse than better. My bad.

2. The News - This one is a 50/50 chance I'll care. I like watching foreign news.It's a little exciting. I feel U.S. news is boring. We sound like a bunch of 1st graders telling on each other. Though the recent issues in Egypt & the camera woman getting attacked caught my attention. I do enjoy watching the news cast interact with each other sometimes. It is nice to see them as real people rather than stiff puppets reading off a teleprompter or computer screen.

3. Celebrities - I don't care if they had surgery, I don't care if they have a melt down or have the same issues as the rest of us. I expect it. They ARE people, just like you & I. Stop putting them on these unrealistic pedestals. They do everyday things & make mistakes just like us. The only difference is their job/career is in entertainment. they work just as hard as we do. They deserve the money & luxuries they have. Get over it.

4. Fashion - I don't care and that all there is to it. I wear what I like & I don't care if you have a muffin top cause your pants are too tight, or you're too fat to wear an outfit. If you like it wear it. I do have only 1 pet peeve about fashion- saggy pants. If I wanted to see your underwear I would ask. But I'll just have to deal with it.

5. Drama - Everyone says they don't like drama, and it seems the ones that bitch about it most cause the most drama. Sometime drama can be fun; fights at bars, T.V. shows, movies. I don't mind a little here and there, such as you needing my help in a small family dispute, getting over your ex, or you need to vent for a minute. It's the drama that constantly spills into my life that I don't like. I would like you to keep your negative thoughts, stalking exes, and psycho family out of my life thank you. Some people are just negative all the time and thats not cool.

6. Your Opinions - I can accept that we will disagree on many topics. I will also listen to your point of view & respectfully agree or disagree. Please do not think you will be able to shove your opinions down my throat or beat them into me. Thats when you become the person in #5 and I will distance myself from you.

7. Your Feelings - I will always try to be as honest as I can with you. Do not ask me something and then get mad when it's not what you "want" to hear. I also don't expect you to feel sorry for me or walk on eggshells so you don't hurt my feelings. Honesty is much more important to me.

8. How "smart" you think you are & what "college" you went to.- This is for those people who went to trade schools and try to make it sound like they are better than me because I'm in Community College right now. Good for you if thats what you wanted to do. I don't, I want a Masters Degree, so I need to go to college for a long ass time. I'm okay with that. So I don't give a rats ass if you're done already. It has nothing to do with me.

9. Your insecurities - This brings numbers 5-8 together. Most of the people who I'm talking about in the last few have issues with insecurity. They either have an inflated sense of importance or they are so down on themselves, you want to commit suicide to get away from them. Both people just want to bring you down or are fishing for compliments. It's very unattractive, so stop it or i will keep my distance.

10. Most Peoples Kids - I have 3 kids and I know they can be a pain sometimes. I don't know if it's just me or if kids are just plain brats. I'm starting to understand the elderly as I age and see kids these days. Growing up I did not cuss at my parents and do what ever i wanted. Other peoples kids either hate me or are afraid of me because I am not afraid to put them in time out (face the wall standing up). I will make sure you stay there too. I have had friends tell me I was mean. Which brings me to the next one.

11. Most parents today - I am not even close to mother of the year. I don't expect you to be either. Now I'm not saying give every parent a break, but don't expect us to be the parents of the 1950s. I understand that it's hard to raise kids these days and every parent has their own way of doing it. I just think it's sad to see so many parents try to be friends with their kids rather than the parent they could be.

12. How messy or clean your house is - So what if you couldn't clean your house before I came over to visit. I don't clean my all the time. Your super clean house looks lovely but it will be messy in 5 minutes if you got kids. Your house doesn't have to be spotless when I visit and don't expect mine to be. I'm already your friend and except you as you are, messy/clean house and all. I will not judge you based on how clean your house is.

13. I don't drive, or own a car - For some reason it bothers everyone around me that i don't drive or own a car. WHY? I hate driving, it makes me feel nauseous, and jittery. I have panic attacks just sitting in the drivers seat. Why would you want me to drive and put others at risk? This is where your opinion doesn't matter. I have no intentions of driving. If you don't like it then too bad. Plus I feel there are too many vehicles on the road these days.

14. Not acting my age - I don't understand where people get this. How does a 33 year old act? I believe we are as old as we feel & think we are. I also believe there is a time for maturity & there is a time for being immature. You just have to know when the right time is for you. You can't be serious and "mature" all the time, nor can you be immature and reckless all the time. There has to be a balance.

15. My Past - This took a long time to happen. I have made some bad choices and I have been through some unpleasant experiences. I no longer dwell on what I cannot change and look forward, and bring with me the change I can make. Fuck the rest!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Facebook & I

   I have been on Facebook since it became open to the public. That was 2004 I think, wow that was a long time ago. At first it wasn't all that exciting. I had 10 friends and played some awful games on there.
Now I have yet to meet a person who does not have a Facebook. It's no longer " Hey baby whats your number", now its "Facebook me". You see people on their phones facebooking instead of conversing with their friends sitting right in front of them. I am guilty of doing it too at times, though I am not on my phone posting the entire time. I do like to take pictures and send them to Facebook. Everyone does. Which brings me to why I'm writing this blog.
How I Use Facebook
  I mostly use Facebook to keep up with my sisters who live in other states, and my close friends who I can't see as often as I would like. That's what Facebook is for, right? I am big on commenting on every ones photos and videos. I try to keep up on friends who are in hard times more than ones who are doing well. I pay attention to who needs prayers and whose kids just did well in school or sports. Though I cannot be there for everyone all the time, I want them to know that I do care and support them the best way I can.One of the best things about Facebook is keeping with with DJs & other artists all in one place. Knowing I don't have to search through all those personal website to see an update is great. It has made sharing my blogs and interests with friends easier as well. No more spamming every ones emails about what I am up to. I have groups on Facebook to keep people with like interests in the loop without annoying everyone else.  I also play a lot of games and use too many apps.
Facebook Applications I Love
Where do I start? I am a big gamer on Facebook. I started out with Pirates, then Farmville & Cafe World. Now I play so many I had to go through and delete some. I had to reduce it down to 5. YES 5 and that's just games. I use some of their other non game apps as well. Let me list some of them here. I should be embarrassed.
Good Reads- Just started using this but I like that I can review and rate the books I read.
ihearts- This is a cute way to tell people I am thinking of them.
Daily Horoscope- Just because
Wiccan Visions- Kind of like ihearts but wiccan images.
Bucket List- I love this app. I like how I can share my bucket list and see who else wants to do the same. I'm trying to get more friends into it.
Farmville- YES I am one of THOSE people.
Cafe World- I like this game (playing now), but the mission can get annoying. You need your friends to help.
Restaurant City- This one is a little better than Cafe World but its not all that interactive with friends
Island God- Just started this one and its okay. Too hard to level up when I don't have many friends who play it. I may give up.
Night Club City- I like this game. You run a club and get to give love and drinks to people. You can hire famous people to hang out. Kick people out if they fight or puke in your club. Plus i learned about some new musicians through that game. The app play clips of music from new albums out.
Deactivation (Not an app)
This isn't an app, but its a great thing to have. I recently deactivated my account for a week. I wanted to see if I could live without Facebook. I did pretty well. Though i was missing out on pictures and recent events. Oh well. I know I can do without Facebook if I need to, and I have even reduced my time on Facebook now that I know I can stay away. The only thing I did not like about deactivation is Facebook puts everything back on your news feed. So i had to organize who I wanted on my news feed again.
Groups I Admin
Bucket List B*tches (group)
I Need A Life (group)

My Mother Is On Facebook
Okay not my mother, yet. My sisters and my father are. Most of my cousins are on Facebook now too. Like I said above; I want them to know I am thinking of them. Facebook is my only communication for some family members. I even found out about my aunts illness and death through Facebook.

My Honest Opinion
I believe people have become lazy in communicating with friends and family because they know all they need to do is make a post on Facebook and everyone will see it. No need to call, or visit when you can just message the whole world in one click. It not just Facebook, All social networking sites take away the face to face communication. But, that is all for another blog (coming soon). I love Facebook, it has given me the opportunity to connect with friends and family. I play games and have met some new and fabulous people there. I used to think I was addicted, until I chose to deactivate my account. Now that I know I can manage without it, I have given myself new projects to do.

-- I found the blog topics How I use Facebook, My Mother is on Facebook, & Facebook Applications I Love at 100 blog topics I hope you write By Chris Brogan

I will write a more indepth blog about the applications later.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Rainy Day Blog

Rain rain go away...

 Actually No, I love the rainy weather. I wish we would have a nice thunder storm. I want some thunder & lightning. This cold weather is starting to get to me though. I am stiff & tired. I know there is some medical reason why we get so tired and lazy on rainy, gloomy days. I just don't feel like looking it up & trying to sound smart. I should clean my house, I really should, but it's cold & I'm lazy. It's okay though. I'll do it later when I get a little warmed up. Right now i am on some of my social networking sites, stalking my lovely friends & some stalkers of my own. Facebook is quiet today, so I check my games & move on to Twitter. I follow 280 people? Who are these people? Why am I following them? I think it's time to find out. As I'm looking through I see one of my favorites called ihatequotes, They posted a quote I really like today & maybe it should become my quote for the day (see below). I move on to Myspace & check my mail on Yahoo. The same old stuff, oh well. I guess today is just a plain ol' rainy day.

Samantha playing in the rain (2007)

Make sure whatever you're holding onto, isn't holding you back. Life is all about moving forward. -Reuben Holmes

Friday, February 18, 2011

Nothing Special 2.18.11

No really, I have nothing special to say. I just want to blog some randomness.

What's Coming Up
-I am trying to revamp my blog to make it more ME. Still working on it and trying different things out. So.... If you come here and see it looks different every couple of days, it's just me trying to get it just right.
-I have a few blogs I am working on all at once. They are sitting in my drafts waiting to be posted. I'm done with one but it needs to come after my Facebook blog , which is almost done. I have a third, but having some difficulty getting my thoughts across.
-My daughter Samantha's birthday is coming up and it's an "At the Movies" theme. I'm working on how it will go smoothly, but I doubt it.

Up & Coming Blogs
- My friend Gabe O. wants me to do a blog on corn flakes. I don't know why. So I will find some way to write about it. I guess thats what I get for asking my friends on Facebook for blog ideas.
- Facebook: I will blog about it and some other goodies.
- Money blog: about what I buy and con-consumerism.
- Relationship titles:  girlfriend vs lady-friend, open relationships, and dating in general.

Possible Projects
- I am thinking about some projects I can do on this blog. Special themes or whatnot. I'll let you know more when I figure out how to get my thoughts all organized.
- Special topics- Chris Brogan is a fantastic blogger, and he has a list of blogs and podcasts topics. I plan on writing about some of the topics starting next week. The Facebook blog actually came from 3 of Chris Brogans topics.
*How I use Facebook
*My mother is on Facebook
*Facebook applications I love
I hope to be able to find more great topics that peak my interest and write.

Well that's all for now, I hope you have a fabulous weekend.



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Worst & Best Valentines Day


I'm not a huge fan of the holiday; never really was. The picture above is an example of why I am not a fan. That Stiletto was a gift by an ex many years ago. At first I thought "What am I supposed to do with this? Stab him?". He told me it was for protection & I need to learn how to use it. I never learned how to open it without flinching. I recently gave it away, because I was tired of it being in my home. I heard they are illegal in the state of California.

I have never really had good luck with Valentines Day. I always got crazy, bad, or no gifts at all, I finally gave up. Then I spent a nice relaxing Valentines Day with someone special, and every year that day was special. Who knew I would actually enjoy one of the worst holidays in the U.S... I even received my most favorite & loved gift on Valentines Day. His name is Ralph. I got him February 14, 2007. I love & collect cows, so of course Ralph is the best ever Valentines Day gift.

 Valentines Day this year will be spent having a movie marathon with my kids. Thats a pretty good Valentines Day in my opinion. Though I still dislike the holiday. 

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Simple Pleasures

What does it take to please me?
I have been thinking about it today. I don’t think I'm hard to please. I'm low maintenance and like to take care of myself. I thought about what I enjoy and it seems I don't enjoy much; just simple things likes a quiet night at home cuddled up on the couch watching movies, a home made dinner with conversation, or a quite moment reading a book.
There are some things that I like but I have to get those myself. What are they you ask? Flowers... yup girly huh? How about some chocolate? More like Almond Roca or starbursts. Mmmm I should go get some now.
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

A New Beginning

Or something like that...

  I am starting my blogging over again. I know I lost so much when I removed my other blog, but it was for the best. I had many happy and painful memories I had to let go. It's time to start a new chapter in my life. In order to do that I need to be honest with myself and get myself out of this depressing rut I am in. I have become tired, over weight (my heaviest), and lazy. I cry more than I laugh, I eat far more than I exercise, and I'm angry all the time. That is not a healthy combination.

Tomorrow, Monday February 7 will be the start of something new. I'm not sure how to go about the changes I need, but i am sure I can figure them out. I know the first thing I need to work on is my health. So that will be my focus this week. Starting out by walking every day and reducing my junk food intake should be the easiest. I don't want to get ahead of myself and then want to quit because I made it too hard right from the start. I walk Samantha to school and home again. So I will do my walk after I drop her off. The junk food part is easy because I can just change what I buy and only eat proper portions. My downfall has always been eating while on the computer. So I have to stop myself from doing that. I think that is a good start.

Lent is coming up (Monday, March 7) and I will give up my usual soda, beef, and pork. This year I will add Social Networking to that list. My only outlet to my friends and the world will be my blogs and emails. I'm not sure if I will give up messenger, though it is a form of Social Networking. I have to think about that one. Lent will help with my changes. I just hope I can keep the soda intake low after Lent. I hate being a soda addict. I know it's part of my weight problem. So I need to be strong and fight the temptation.

That's it for now. Have a good night.


Lisa Perez

In The Absence of Sex

Two years ago I attempted to explore a variety of dating and sexual encounters. It fizzled out quickly.  I was bored or unimpressed with the...