So I made a mistake and no one said anything. My last post was actually day 21. Oh well.
Tuesday was an "Eh whatever" kind of day. Actually I don't remember much of the day really. What the hell did I do on Tuesday??? UGH, this is why I should blog daily.
Okay so after reading text messages from Tuesday: I masturbated and I hope I liked it. I had bacon and eggs for lunch and I also hung out with JW after work. My day sounds pretty productive. I mean there was self love, bacon, and an awesome friend involved in my day. Sounds like a perfect day to me.
Now Wednesday was an adventure. I had my "lady parts" appointment. Yeah, I had to go and have a pap smear (that sounds so gross). I have been having ovarian pain for a little over a month and I have a history of ovarian cysts. I thought that maybe it was time to requests some testing done to see how those little buggers were doing. Now I figured since I was there I would get the whole shebang done: pap, STI testing (they are no longer called STDs), blood work for STIs and Hormones, and schedule a sonogram for my ovaries.
I don't know any female who enjoys this kind of appointment. Even though I take care of myself (the best I can), and get tested regularly, I am always super freaking nervous going into these appointments. I am always afraid they will find something wrong with me.
I left early to go to my appointment because I had never been to the Women's Clinic before. I didn't even know there was one. I usually go to Planned Parenthood. I ended up there an hour early and walking around like a lost puppy trying to find the darn office in the building. Finally i asked someone and guess what? It was the first door as I walked in the building.. Gah! I walked past it twice, maybe they should put up a sign. FINALLY I walk in and they lady at registration had a bit of a 'tude. I explained I had never been there before and she became a bit nicer, not much though. I get called in to be weighed and check my blood pressure. I really dislike doctors scales because I always weigh more there than what my home scale says.
BP: 106/57 Temp: 97.6 Weight: 152 lbs 4.8 oz
My BP is way off than it normally is which scares me, but they said nothing. Whatever... I get into the room and the nurse tells me to undress from the waist down and the Doc will be in shortly. The Doc walked in just as I sat down on the table. Wow that was fast, most of the time I sit there for 5 to 10 minutes. It scared me just a little bit. He was a bit stiff and straight to the point. He made sure to put in my referral for the sonogram as soon as he sat down at the computer and made sure to add as much medical history as possible. I liked the fact that he was thorough and asked a lot of questions, but I didn't like that he was very impersonal. He was just there to do his job. Yes I know he's a gyno and looks at lady parts all day. I don't care, I expect a doctor to make an effort and show some emotion. I think he has been in the business too long. When he sat down to do the pap he asked me to pretty much hang my ass off the table. I'm too old for that, it kills my back. He inserts the speculum (the clear plastic thing in the pic below) and then says "where's your cervix?"... Uh what? So yeah, he had to remove the speculum dig into my vag and find my cervix before continuing. Lets just say it hurt, okay. I may have a tilted uterus which makes my cervix dip downward towards my spine, but it's not fucking lost..
Do I get charged for all the crap they don't use? |
The job was done and I waited for my paperwork to go to lab and Diagnostics to make an appointment for the sonogram. I got the same guy Samantha did in the lab, he was nice and made small talk. The diagnostics lab had no available appointments, but were able to get me one at an office off Deer Valley this coming Monday. Let's hope it's nothing too serious.
Two hours later and still bleeding. :( |
Thursday was a bit of a lazy day. I had no motivation what so ever. I even took a nap in the morning. I'm disappointed in myself. I went out for coffee and a chat with a friend before coming home to make dinner early. The kids decided Subway was going to be dinner and we could have what I made for tomorrow. WHAT?? I'm not paying for Subway, so Samantha paid for her and David, and I ate what I made because I didn't want Subway. Darn kids and their fast food.