Monday, November 18, 2013

Giving Thanks in November, when else?

It's funny how when November comes up EVERYONE want to do a daily Grateful/ Thankful for post on Facebook and other social networking platforms.  Why is it only in November that we do this,  because of Thanksgiving?   Gah, we are some lame asses.

What the hell am I rambling on about?  Oh yes giving thanks and that is what this entry is about. I'm going to give all my thanks in one post.  So I hope you are ready for it. I was going to do a daily thank you, but that is just too damn much and can get frighteningly personal.  (I almost wasn't sure if frighteningly was a word)

Now, before I get started on the mushy stuff I want to share a cool think I saw on Google+. Please listen to it because it is so beautiful and one of the many reasons I give thanks  and am grateful to be alive everyday.  You should listen to the beautiful crickets while reading this entry. Yup.

Crickets singing at human speed.   The comments are pretty interesting too.

My lazy ass giving thanks:

1. My parents, that's a given right.  If it wasn't for them I wouldn't exist.  EVERYONE should thank my parents!

2. Everyone of my awesome friends parents... Yea that's right because I wouldn't know you if your parents didn't bump uglies at one point. (Who the hell coined the term bump uglies anyway?)

3. My sisters, because it's the law or something.. Nah my sister are cool, though I missed out on most of their lives I still love them and wish we lived closer so I could see my nieces and nephew grow up.

4. My children's fathers:  Yep I said it. Again, if it wasn't for them my awesome kids would not be here today.  Also, if they didn't put me through all the bullshit they did, I wouldn't be the bitch I am today.  But you get no love from me. Just a quick Thanks and move on.

5.  Shelby: My eldest, who has taught so much about tolerance and acceptance than anyone ever has.   I can't wait to see your books on the shelves in stores.  You will be an exceptional author/illustrator. I love you and miss you so so much.  (she lives on the East Coast)

6.David: My son who is a challenge at most times, but is becoming a good man.  To see you find interest in Engineering and science the way you do is awesome, even if I have no idea what you're talking about.  I love you even if you don't like hearing it.

7. Samantha: oh my mini me... Only 13 and you have grown into a magnificent updated version of me.  I can't even express the awe and joy of watching you grow up and being the one that gets to guide you into adulthood and awesomeness.   Sometimes I am amazed that I made such a fabulous creature.  I love you oh so much mini me.

8. Michelle, Becca, Dondra, Jen, Debbie:  you girls are my family.  Though we haven't spoken all the time over the years, you girls are the ones I know I can go to for anything.  I appreciate all that you have done for me and the relationships we have.  Thank you for everything.  Words cannot express the love I have for you girls.

9. Tammi:  A beautiful soul, with a talent I am envious of.  Your words touch me deeply and your life even more so.  You are one of the most amazing people I know and I am thankful for having the chance to be a small part of your life. I love you Tammi.

10. Nick, Jeremy, Donny, Gabe, Mark, Byron, Henry, Tony, Harley, and Kyle:  You gentlemen have been my best buds for so long.  The few I can talk to about anything, literally anything and I love it.   Having friends like you guys is fan-fucking-tastic.  Everyone should have friends like you.  I love you guys to death, always and forever.

11. Sonia, Kyle, Becca, Jeff, and Dany:  Thank you so so much for giving the boost and encouragement I needed to get back into eating healthy and fitness.  making the decision to have a healthier lifestyle is hard, but you all have given me the motivation I needed to stay on track. Thank you!

12. Ryan: I could never write all the reasons I am thankful for knowing you.  You put up with me at one of my hardest times.  Thank you for all you did for me in the past and all you do for me now.  You're a good friend and I appreciate our friendship.  Love you much.

13. Virginia: My twin,  my favorite coffee buddy and confidant.  thank you for being there for me when I was a brat and helping me through what should have not been a difficult time.  You let me pitch a fit and talk shit and rant about all the feels I had.  Now looking back that shit was funny as hell.  Thank you for all you do twin.  I love you to death and for always.  P.S. We need to do coffee again.

14. J.W.:  Though we have not known each other long, you have made an impact on my life.  I had all these rules in my head about how things should go.  Mostly to protect myself, but at the same time it was preventing myself from taking chances.  Thank you for reaching out even though neither one of us had any idea what that would do.  You're an awesome person.  I am thankful for meeting you and having the chance to know you. I'm sure I have plenty more to learn from you.  xoxo

I love you guys and gals more than you could ever know.  Thank you for being a part of my life.  I can't imagine what life would be like without you.

Love Always,


P.S.  Thats all the Thanks I'm giving.  Deal with it!

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