Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday Night Boredom

It's Saturday night, woohoo! Congrats on making it through the first month of 2015.

I'm sitting on my little old love seat watching Bones and Numb3rs. I should be in San Francisco having a great time with the Walker Stalker Convention, but no. Oh well, life goes on.  I'm feeling better today. My cough isn't choking me. I finally have some energy but I'm sitting my butt. I think it's safe to restart my fitness challenge tomorrow. Perfect for the beginning of the month. I will be doing a water challenge with my fitness challenge. This water challenge is for me to drink 1gallon of water a day. I need to drink approximately 80 ounces a day at the moment and I am at about 60 ounces. So it seems I need to step up my game on water drinking. Dropping soda from my daily habit will help for sure.

Though my water challenge is supposed to be only a month, I'm hoping to keep it up. The same with soda removal. My goal is to reduce or remove processed foods (mostly sugar). Junk food and bread are my best friend. I am an emotional eater. Stressed, bored, or depressed, food is how I cope. This is a habit I hope to break.

Well I'm tired and its my bed time. Good night.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Well That Didn't Get Far.

I'm sick. So sick that I'm coughing till I can't breathe. Throat itching and feels like it burning. I dry heave and gag a lot, not to mention I just realized how old i am getting when I just about peed myself coughing. Say what??? Yup, I've hit that darn age where pee will become an issue; no matter how much I keep up on my kegel exercises. Gonna have to speak to the doctor about that.

Since I am sick and have no desire to function, I am postponing my fitness challenge. This cough I have is a workout; it exhausts me. During this time I will do research and share some ideas with you. Until then I will rest and just babble on about nothing. I'm good at that.

I'm off to sleep... Hopefully

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Fitness Challenge.

I am horrible at fitness challenges. Anything where I have to give up carbs and other yummy garbage food makes me cry. I have to do this, if I dont, I will live a short painful life. I can't have that. I enjoy life too much to kill myself with food. I love food too much to kill myself with food.

The challenge:
90 days of healthy eating, meal replacements, detox/fasting and 30-90 minutes of exercise a day. What does that mean for me? Giving up soda, bread, and candy? Not really. The first week I will give up most sugars and carbs. But, I'm not giving up bread or ginger ale. I may switch to tonic water and add fruit or juice to it. I need to learn to not overindulge when eating. Moderation is key and learning to stay within my limits. If not, the food will have to go permanently.

This is week 1- detox from garbage foods.
Breakfast- Body by Vi smoothie with fresh fruit and almond milk.
Lunch- Salad and a rice cake with peanut butter and banana
Dinner- Open faced tuna sandwich with tomato on whole wheat bread, Chicken fajitas, Pork chops with brown rice and steamed veggies
Drinks- Water with lemon or cucumber and tea with honey
Fitness- Walking at least 30 minutes and light exercise till my foot feels better.

I'll try to post as often as I can about my progress. Sadly I did not measure myself today. I did however weigh in at 165.

I will leave it here for now and tell you more in my next post. It's such a pain typing on a darn tablet.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Not so sure about Lent this year

Lent is coming up and I have no idea what I could give up. I am thinking of not participating in Lent this year. I decided to Google ideas of what I could do. There are only a hand full of websites that share ideas for Lent. I picked out my favorites, though I'm not sure about a few.

  1. Utensils - use your hands or utensils foreign to you (e.g. chop sticks) 
  2. Hot water - take only cold showers 
  3. Your Bed or a bedding item (e.g. pillow(s) or blanket(s)) 
  4. Pants - wear skirts, shorts, or dresses
  5. A half hours sleep - Yes, wake up or go to bed a half hour early 
  6. The snooze button - depending on how long you snooze for, this might be the same as number 5. 
  7. App(s) - clear your phone/tablet of any apps for 40 days or maybe just one.
  8. Selfies - goes well with number 7
  9. Texting - call, email, write a letter, send a card, or go see people in person. OMG, you might actually have to talk to people. 
  10. Swearing - I tried this one once, I didn't make it to the end. 
  11. Shopping - this one is sorta on my list. I am claiming 2015 an un-consumption year. No buying anything unless it is absolutely necessary. 
  12. Procrastination - this one probably should be on my list. 
  13. Wear the same 4 outfits throughout Lent - this one sounds hard for someone who works in the corporate world. I would probably do 5 - 3 work, 1 gym, and 1 casual. Then 1 day a week would be nudist day.  Wait, does gym clothes count as an outfit? 
  14. Work or school - I'm not sure about this one, but my last day at work just happens to be the first day of Lent. 

My kids think soda and junk food should be our choices this year, but I do those every year. I'm thinking numbers 6, 11, and 12 would be good choices . I would do 4 and/or 13 if I knew where my job situation was. I'll have to think about whether it is best to skip Lent or suck it up and go for it. 

What are you giving up? 

In The Absence of Sex

Two years ago I attempted to explore a variety of dating and sexual encounters. It fizzled out quickly.  I was bored or unimpressed with the...