Monday, February 11, 2013

Update 02.11.13

      This is just an update on what's going on.  I don't really have anything super exciting today.   First, the sewing is going horribly.  I didn't get much done this weekend.  I have realized there are a few things I need and will have to work around all that for now.  It's not a big deal, so I'll be fine.  I did however forget that I am supposed to be taking pictures for the Project 365: Year of Self and I haven't taken very many lately. OOPS! I'll get back on that this week.  Speaking of this week, Valentines Day/Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.)/ Bleeding Hearts Day is Thursday.  How are you celebrating?  Me, I'm watching romantic comedies 50 First Dates & The wedding Singer while I stuff my face with home made cake.  If I didn't have school on Friday I would drink myself stupid and drunk dial people.  Other big events are this week as well Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, and LENT begins.  I was just thinking I better look up when Lent is coming, then I saw a post on Facebook about Fat Tuesday. POOP!  It's already here.  So the plan is this

  1. Give up beef & pork
  2. Give up non-home cooked meals
  3. Give up junk food (excludes home made cake & cookies) 
  4. Give up soda (yes I know it's a junk food, but it's my addiction)
So pretty much the same stuff I always remove.  I want to remove something non-food related, but I have no idea what.  Maybe I'll figure it out by Wednesday. 

This weekend I went on a hike with my favorite twin Virginia. It was great, the scenery was beautiful, the hike was killer, and there was some really good conversation going on.   I felt great when I got home and didn't feel sore until Saturday night.  Sunday morning I was a little more sore but was still able to run errands.  This morning I get out of bed and attempt to go downstairs only to almost fall to my death.  Okay I'm being dramatic but I swear I thought I was gonna die.  You know that feeling when your heart jumps in your throat as you mistaken how far the step is on the way down?  Yeah, THAT.  Except there was pain included.  Boy was I super sore this morning; every step was awful the first hour.  I can't wait to go again next weekend.  

Isn't it pretty

I want to live out here with the cows

I have a super special blog coming up. Thanks to my lovely fellow blogger Tam.  Stay tuned for that.

I guess that's good enough for now.  Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Just a Little Bit of Everything

  I have been so busy with my last week of the school session that I haven't started sewing yet.  I have been organizing my sewing projects though.  The sewing shall start this weekend YAY!  I am having such a hard time with my math class.  I am barely passing.   Medisoft is almost done too and I'm a bit sad, but I know the next classes I take will be just as awesome.  This session wore me out. Though I think Samantha being sick has been part of my stress and exhaustion.  Her blood work should be ready tomorrow, so I will post an update as soon as I get it.

I guess that's it for now... I'm off to shower and then sleep.  I am so darn tired.

P.S. Samantha is a blanket hog.  She has been sleeping in my bed and, every night I wake up cold, with very little of the blankets covering me.  I feel sorry for the man who marries her.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Whining Gibberish

Today became a bit emotional as the day went on. ..

      I was once told that I think too much.  I have been working hard on not being that way.  It's been working, I swear.  I have noticed lately  that I have been becoming more emotional about certain friends.  I realize we all grow apart and most of time move on.  So why does it hurt to know that a few friends are walking away from me and may possibly not be in my life by the end of the year?  I keep telling myself to get over it and let them go.  I tell myself I can't be hurt by their choice to move toward a better life for themselves.  Even if it means leaving me as a friend.  I have left some people behind, so I can't have hurt feelings. We're just friends, and if they choose to walk away, let them.  They may come back some day.  Maybe, doubtful, but maybe.  I guess it's karma for removing so many people from my life that I felt were doing me no good.  I wanted more positive, productive, and trust worthy friends.   The quote "If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is a part of yourself"(Hermann Hesse) comes to mind.  It really isn't the person, but a part of their character or behavior that I dislike/hate.  When I see characteristic traits I dislike in others I try to find it within myself and change it.  I am really working on being the best me, I can be.

Notice I keep repeating myself about letting it happen?  I wish I didn't get attached to people.  Well, I wish I didn't get attached to a few people. Everyone else can bugger off, if they so choose.  I guess I'll stop whining in this blog and go cry in the shower.

Oh and......


Friday, February 1, 2013

Hello February, Make my daughter better please.

Found on

      It is getting warm. I didn't have to layer up yesterday.  I did have to take my daughter Samantha to get some lab work done & make a sonogram appointment for her as well.  She is having some serious digestive issues.  I am hoping it is a food allergy & nothing terribly serious.  I'm not saying food allergies are not serious, but it's a lesser illness than ulcerative colitis or cancer.  The Dr we saw (not her regular Dr) said it could be stress, allergies, bacteria, or over production of stomach acid. I have a feeling this will become a life altering ordeal for us.  We have already been told that she can no longer have anything with caffeine (soda,coffee,chocolate), and no foods heavy in tomatoes/sauce (pasta & pizza).  At least until we find out what is going on.  She has lost 4 pounds & is becoming underweight.  She even looks ill all the time.  So cross your fingers that the test results show something that can be quickly remedied.  I told Samantha that if she can't have these foods then I would not buy them for anyone.  So I will have to change some of our meals to different sauces & make lots more smoothies.  I'll remove all coffee like drinks from the house & take them to school for my classmates to use.

      I was hoping to have a nice fun bubbly post today, but it's a bit melancholy.  I start a new 30 Day Challenge today.  I was getting some stuff together to see what needed to be cut, mended, or washed before I get started.  I'll post photos as I go along, not every day but often.  Samantha will be helping me when she feels well enough.  She loves to create & sew.  So, this will be a mother-daughter challenge.

In The Absence of Sex

Two years ago I attempted to explore a variety of dating and sexual encounters. It fizzled out quickly.  I was bored or unimpressed with the...