Saturday, September 23, 2017

Trying To Get My Groove Back

It's been tough.  I have not had the desire to write.  Then when I do have inspiration, I'm at work with no time to stop and jot down my thoughts.  I haven't been reading much either.  I have six books I have yet to finish.  I'm not exercising, cleaning, organizing, and I have reminders on my phone to make sure I do these darn things.   I need to get it together.

This time last year I was trying the Ruth Soukup challenges from her books.  I failed miserably.  One day is not enough time for my clutter.  I did however donate ten boxes to Salvation Army in July and will be donating another six this week.  My plan is to donate one more time by the end of the year.

I've made an End of the Year Plan... Yay! Okay, not really.  If I would have done what I said I was going to last year, I would be buying a house and 100% organized right now.   So this is me declaring my life a mess and it needs cleaning up... again.  My dream/Goal is to become a minimalist.  I have been watching videos on Youtube.  Now, I don't want to get rid of everything I have.  I want to reduce what I have to the important things and stop buying crap I don't need.  I will never give up on my books, NEVER.  So don't dare ask me to do that.  I also need to get my health in order.  I have gained a lot of weight recently and all my pants are pretty snug.  I also look gross when I'm sitting.  While I was thinking about ways to improve my life, I realized I spend most of my off time eating and playing Facebook games. YES, I said it, I play Facebook games.  I started to make a list of things I want to work on.  So this is where I'll start, then reevaluate in 30 days.

  1. Make a Budget
  2. Organize home and digital files
  3. Donate to Salvation Army 
  4. Reduce Social media & games
  5. Read more (15 books by January 1)
  6. Exercise (start at 3x a week)
  7. Bring lunch to work. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,
    It seems like alot of people go through the same thing. It's hard when life gets busy and we get stuck in a routine to change things. Could you be depressed? There are alot of natural supplements you can take to help. I wish I was closer...I'd help you get rid of stuff and organize. I kinda went through the same thing. I
    made myself do things as i watched Hoarding on tv. I am not a hoarder, but started getting rid of stuff like I had potential. Moving helped me lose weight. I like to clean by myself, but some people need a buddy to motivate them. I
    Put great music on when the tv show gets boring, get up early and i get energized as i make progress. I take pictures as i go along and compare the difference.. It's me. Acknowledging the areas we need to make a change is half the battle. Your gonna be ok Lisa. I promise.


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