Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I Think A Lot of Thoughts

There has been a lot of ruckus going on in my little brain.  Maybe because the work I do gives me opportunities to think random thoughts.

Thought #1-- I really need to do something about my cluttered apartment.  As I have been helping my friend JW and family prepare their homes for the move this past weekend. It made me realize I have way too much crap.  Okay, I already knew I had too much crap, but helping JW made me truly see it.  So, the question that popped into my head was: What would I do with all this stuff if I moved? The answer is: I have no idea. To me that is a sign of trouble.  I better get on it.

Thought #2-- I need to lose some weight and start eating better. AGAIN.. This new job has made me fat. Okay, it's not the job, it's my poor choices now that I work at a job where I sit on my butt all day.  I did a little research and I think I found a way to get some exercise in at work and found some great ideas for lunches.  I am thinking about going for the Ketogenic "diet"/ the Low carb high fat (LCHF) lifestyle.  It's just super hard because I am a Carb lover and have a sweet tooth.  I believe I can do it. I just keep using the excuse that carbs are easier to store in my "snack drawer" at work.  Lame right?  Also in my research I found this cute way to workout at work called  Deskercise, I need to pick out which ones I like and can do then make a little chart to print out and post in my cube.

Thought #3-- Blogging, it's a constant thought. I see or think of something and I think, "oh I should blog about that".  I try to write when I can.  I wish to write more content and more often.

Thought #4-- I have been having the weirdest dreams lately. I have been trying to write it all out so I can blog them.

Thought #5 --

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