Friday, October 31, 2014

Whining Rant

It's about that time again in my life where I am beyond sexually frustrated.  I get a bit emotional when I don't have sex. I cry a lot, throw tantrums, and become a man hater.  I become a bitter, angry shrew who is mad at everyone who is having sex.  Fuck you cute couples, Fuck you couple making out in public, and Fuck you married guy friends who think it's okay to flirt with me.
I'm frustrated to the point that I feel like purging my house.  Throw away everything! I hate everything and everyone.. All because I can't have sex.  Okay, okay, I know I can go out find a one night stand or something, but I fear STIs way too much to do that now. Maybe 10 or more years ago I would have been cool with it. Now, no way. Besides a one time fling is not going to quench my thirst.
I read that it takes two years of no sex for your libido to calm the fuck down and have almost no desire. That will never happen to me, even if I decided to run away to a convent and become a nun.  I guess I could take medication to kill it.  I'm afraid it won't work, but it is an option.  Yes, I know I have ranted and raved and whined again and again about this issue.  Masturbation no longer does the job. The instant I'm done, it's as if I never did it.  I still enjoy watching porn and all that fun stuff, so I don't know why I'm fucking damaged.  waahhh waahh boo hoo..

I just don't know what to do about it except cry or risk getting cooties. I don't want cooties.  Cookies on the other hand I do want... Anyone have some cookies for me?

I hate everyone.

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