Sunday, February 20, 2011

Facebook & I

   I have been on Facebook since it became open to the public. That was 2004 I think, wow that was a long time ago. At first it wasn't all that exciting. I had 10 friends and played some awful games on there.
Now I have yet to meet a person who does not have a Facebook. It's no longer " Hey baby whats your number", now its "Facebook me". You see people on their phones facebooking instead of conversing with their friends sitting right in front of them. I am guilty of doing it too at times, though I am not on my phone posting the entire time. I do like to take pictures and send them to Facebook. Everyone does. Which brings me to why I'm writing this blog.
How I Use Facebook
  I mostly use Facebook to keep up with my sisters who live in other states, and my close friends who I can't see as often as I would like. That's what Facebook is for, right? I am big on commenting on every ones photos and videos. I try to keep up on friends who are in hard times more than ones who are doing well. I pay attention to who needs prayers and whose kids just did well in school or sports. Though I cannot be there for everyone all the time, I want them to know that I do care and support them the best way I can.One of the best things about Facebook is keeping with with DJs & other artists all in one place. Knowing I don't have to search through all those personal website to see an update is great. It has made sharing my blogs and interests with friends easier as well. No more spamming every ones emails about what I am up to. I have groups on Facebook to keep people with like interests in the loop without annoying everyone else.  I also play a lot of games and use too many apps.
Facebook Applications I Love
Where do I start? I am a big gamer on Facebook. I started out with Pirates, then Farmville & Cafe World. Now I play so many I had to go through and delete some. I had to reduce it down to 5. YES 5 and that's just games. I use some of their other non game apps as well. Let me list some of them here. I should be embarrassed.
Good Reads- Just started using this but I like that I can review and rate the books I read.
ihearts- This is a cute way to tell people I am thinking of them.
Daily Horoscope- Just because
Wiccan Visions- Kind of like ihearts but wiccan images.
Bucket List- I love this app. I like how I can share my bucket list and see who else wants to do the same. I'm trying to get more friends into it.
Farmville- YES I am one of THOSE people.
Cafe World- I like this game (playing now), but the mission can get annoying. You need your friends to help.
Restaurant City- This one is a little better than Cafe World but its not all that interactive with friends
Island God- Just started this one and its okay. Too hard to level up when I don't have many friends who play it. I may give up.
Night Club City- I like this game. You run a club and get to give love and drinks to people. You can hire famous people to hang out. Kick people out if they fight or puke in your club. Plus i learned about some new musicians through that game. The app play clips of music from new albums out.
Deactivation (Not an app)
This isn't an app, but its a great thing to have. I recently deactivated my account for a week. I wanted to see if I could live without Facebook. I did pretty well. Though i was missing out on pictures and recent events. Oh well. I know I can do without Facebook if I need to, and I have even reduced my time on Facebook now that I know I can stay away. The only thing I did not like about deactivation is Facebook puts everything back on your news feed. So i had to organize who I wanted on my news feed again.
Groups I Admin
Bucket List B*tches (group)
I Need A Life (group)

My Mother Is On Facebook
Okay not my mother, yet. My sisters and my father are. Most of my cousins are on Facebook now too. Like I said above; I want them to know I am thinking of them. Facebook is my only communication for some family members. I even found out about my aunts illness and death through Facebook.

My Honest Opinion
I believe people have become lazy in communicating with friends and family because they know all they need to do is make a post on Facebook and everyone will see it. No need to call, or visit when you can just message the whole world in one click. It not just Facebook, All social networking sites take away the face to face communication. But, that is all for another blog (coming soon). I love Facebook, it has given me the opportunity to connect with friends and family. I play games and have met some new and fabulous people there. I used to think I was addicted, until I chose to deactivate my account. Now that I know I can manage without it, I have given myself new projects to do.

-- I found the blog topics How I use Facebook, My Mother is on Facebook, & Facebook Applications I Love at 100 blog topics I hope you write By Chris Brogan

I will write a more indepth blog about the applications later.

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