Monday, February 23, 2015

Manic Monday

Happy Manic Monday

I hope your Monday was Marvelous.  Mine started out energetic, positive, and bright.  I had an appointment for an onsite recruitment for a small local staffing agency.  Unfortunately it wasn't right for me.  I decided to see what else was out in the world of employment only to feel a bit discouraged by the lack of possibilities.  Maybe the career center I was visiting had not updated for the week.  I did find two positions to apply for so it wasn't a complete loss.

I applied for the two positions when I got home.  I forgot how long it takes to apply for jobs online.  Retail jobs make you take those crazy long personality quizzes to see if you're a good fit for the company.  The same set of questions asked in different ways, how fun.  I do have a Career Fair in Concord on Wednesday. YAY!  When I picked up the flyer today I saw a list of companies that will be there.  NICE! So of course I googled ALL of them.  Out of the 39 listed less than half are an option for me.  That sounds okay, even with 6 being Staffing Agencies, 1 is the agency I wanted to make an appointment with.  If anything I may learn something new and maybe make some good business contacts.  You never know these days.

After applying for the two positions and while doing some company researching, I spoke to my mother on the phone for over an hour.  We talked about everything; my grandma, cousins, sisters, my fathers job, their house, plans for their trips to Nebraska and California, what I'm doing now, talked about two friends of mine, my kids and the measles outbreak.  Yeah, we talked a lot.

The rest of the day was working on some chores and I started on my resume updating.  I need to finish that by 11 a.m. Tuesday because I have a Fair Housing workshop I'm going to at 1 p.m.  Then I need to  go to the Antioch Library to print a bunch of stuff since my printer is out of ink.  I'm too cheap to buy new ink at the moment.  Every penny counts, especially when the dentist called to tell me I have an appointment next week and my payment will be $76.00.  UGH! I don't have money to spend on things other than bills right now.  I do need the dental work done though.  I'm trying to stay positive and keep good energy flowing..

Positive things happen to positive people. THINK POSITIVE!

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