Wednesday, January 2, 2013

10 pm already? Ugh.

Where did the day go?  Oh that's right to cleaning, working, and time with my daughter. I'm trying to remove any unused items from my home again. It's been bothering me that i keep having to move stuff around in my closet to find other stuff.  I had to dig for a pair of pants today. Samantha and i went to see The Hobbit again. We invited her friend Hailey who had not seen it. The movie was played in one of the smaller theaters and had maybe 50 seats. This lady decided to sit one seat away from me, and she talked through the whole movie. I think she said WOW about 30 times and OH, did you see _____? Uhm NO we didn't cause we're all blind. Why do people like this even go to movies? I would have been embarrassed to be there with her. She was so loud and awful that I got up and moved.

Once I got home I got to work on a project I have been working on for some time. I am taking a break while writing this blog. My eyes hurt from looking at the screen, so after this i will shower to relax before getting back to work.  I think I want to revise my goals/ resolutions blog. I read a great blog that gave me some ideas for my 365 project and 30 days challenges. I have shared the blog before, she is one of my favorite writers, please check out Marelisa Fabrega at her blog . So I will update that this weekend.  I will also update my Project 365 as well. I will not post photos everyday but once a week. I think it will be too much to do it everyday since I will have my 30 day challenges to do. I am thinking that the 30 day challenges should be separate blogs, but I'll start that next week.  Okay kids, I'm done for now. Sweet dreams.

Day 2 of 30 Self Portrait Challenge

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